Showing posts with label Serbian Language Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian Language Exercises. Show all posts

Serbian for Children (part 2) - Srpski za decu (2. deo)

If you want to help your child to learn Serbian language, check some of the exercises for the youngest. 

Pogodi: Koja sam ja krava?
Can you guess: Which cow am I?

Zdravo, deco!
Ja sam krava Lili.
Moja koža je bele boje, a moje šare nisu ni crvene, ni crne, ni žute, a ni zelene.
Imam jednu šaru oko levog oka. 
Imam male rogove i dugačak rep, kao i svaka krava.
Moji prijatelji kažu da ja imam puno šara.
Zato me neki zovu Šarenka, ali ja više volim svoje moderno ime Lili.

Pogledajte dobro, deco!
Da li možete da pogodite ko sam ja?

To check your answer, write to Serbian Teacher Online.

Learn Serbian online with 
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Šta će Ana obući? (Comprehension Exercise for Advanced Learners of Serbian Language)

When you learn Serbian online, the main advice is: do as much exercises as you can find.

Look at the picture and read the text carefully. Ana and Milan are talking about her dinner plans and what clothes would be the most appropriate for the evening event. Can you answer the question: What outfit will Ana choose?

Šta će Ana obući?

Milan: Gde ideš večeras?
Ana: Jednom kolegi je rođendan, pa u firmi imamo proslavu.
Milan: U onom restoranu na sedmom spratu?
Ana: Da, tamo.
Milan: Lepo. Da li si odlučila šta ćeš obući?
Ana: Nisam još. Želim da se obučem lepo i da se doteram, ali da ne preterujem. Tako da ništa kratko ili seksi ne dolazi u obzir. 
Milan: Sećam se jednom sam te video u divnoj sivoj haljini. I lepo se slagala uz tvoju frizuru. Nosila si punđu.
Ana: Da, lepa je ta haljina. Ali je previše stroga. Ovo je ipak opušteni događaj - rođendanska žurka. 
Milan: Lepo ti stoji i kosa opušteno začešljana unazad.
Ana: Da, mislim da će to biti moj izbor. I plave kapri pantalone i baletanke. 
Milan: Sjajno zvuči. Jesi li sigurna da nećeš obući kupaći kostim? Mislim da taj restoran ima bazen na terasi.
Ana: Da, sigurna sam. Pogledaj kroz prozor. Pada sneg. 

What outfit will Ana choose?

If you want to get more exercises like this from Serbian comprehension, or you are curious how to learn Serbian language online with help of Serbian teacher, send me an email.

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da da uči naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Serbian for Children (part 1) - Srpski za decu (1.deo)

You would like to help your child to learn Serbian, but there isn't enough available exercises of Serbian online? See if you like this one and check the others. 

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Pogledaj sliku i odgovori na pitanja.

1. What is the color of the cat?                

Koje je boje mačka?

a) crvena
b) žuta
c) crna
d) bela

2. What kind of flower do you see on the picture:

Koju vrstu cveta vidiš na slici?

a) ružu
b) svinju
c) kišobran
d) suncokret

3. Who is the tallest:               

Ko je najviši?

a) cvet
b) devojčica
c) mačka

4. How many leaves does the flower have?              

Koliko listova ima cvet? 

a) jedan
b) dva
c) tri
d) četiri

5. What does the girl have in her hand?               

Šta devojčica drži u ruci?

a) lutku
b) šešir
c) bicikl
d) auto

6. The cat has:              

Mačka ima:

a) rep
b) grivu
c) dugačak vrat
d) perje

7. What is the girl wearing:             

Devojčica je obukla:

a) pantalone
b) bermude
c) šorts
d) haljinu

8. Imagine, and write down in Serbian language: - What is the color of girl's dress? - What is the cat's name?   - Which colors would you use to paint the flower?                 

Zamisli i napiši na srpskom jeziku: - Koje je boje devojčicina haljina? - Kako se zove mačka? - Kojim bojama bi obojio/obojila cvet na slici?

9. The girl, the flower and the cat are waiting for something or for someone. What are they waiting for? Use your imagination and tell the story.            

Devojčica, cvet i mačka čekaju nešto ili nekoga. Šta oni čekaju? Upotrebi maštu i ispričaj priču.  

To check your answers, write to Serbian teacher online.

Learn Serbian online in fun way !

Serbian Vocabulary - Exercises for Beginners 1 (Seasons, Weather, Dates, Numbers)

Try to solve these exercises from Serbian vocabulary. When you finish, write to Serbian teacher online to check your answers. If you want to learn Serbian online, practicing a lot is the best way. 

1.     Write down correct season next to the sentence:

Idemo na more.                  
Skijam se na planini.                   
Jedem jagode.                         
Marko jede dunje i grožđe.                     
Moja porodica slavi Božić.                     
Tvoj sin polazi u školu.                                
Tvoj muž slavi rođendan.                        

2.     Translate:

Pada kiša.
Pada sneg.
Hladno je.
Danas sija sunce.
U Beogradu duva košava.
Vidim munju i čujem grom, počinje oluja.
U proleće pada kiša i sija sunce.
Zimi je temperatura -5 stepeni.
Volim jesen i proleće, a ne volim zimu.

3.     Write in Serbian following dates:

Your father’s birthday,
Your neighboor’s birthday,
Some Serbian national holiday,
Next Tuesday.

4.     Write down ordinal numbers:


If you want to get more exercises from Serbian vocabulary, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with help of Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Learn Serbian online with 
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Comprehension Exercise (for Beginners) 1 - Vežba razumevanja teksta 1

If you have a plan to learn Serbian online, with or without private lessons, to get lots of exercises is crucial.

Carefully read the text in Serbian language and answer the questions about it:

Slon Uške je gladan. Vreme je za doručak. 

On danas ima kukuruz za doručak. Slon Uške voli da jede semenke, kupus i banane, a najviše voli da jede jabuke.  

Miš Stanislav ne voli jabuke. On voli da jede sir, čokoladu, novine i stare knjige. 

Slon Uške kaže: 'Dragi prijatelju Stanislave, izvoli tvoj sir. Prijatno!' 

'Hvala' - kaže Stanislav - 'prijatno i tebi.' 

Posle doručka, miš i slon piju vodu.

1. What is this elephant's favorite food? 

a) sladoled 
b) jabuke 
c) jaja 
d) luk

2. What does mouse Stanislav like to eat?

a) banane i sir  
b) knjige i makarone  
c) čokoladu i novine 
d) stare jabuke i stari pasulj

3. What is the color of Stanislav's and Uške's skin?

a) žuta 
b) zelena 
c) crvena 
d) siva

4. How we say 'Enjoy your meal!' in Serbian?

a) Srećan put! 
b) Prijatno! 
c) Laku noć! 
d) Živeli!

If you learn Serbian language and you are advanced beginner, you should be able to answer correctly to three or four of these questions. Solutions are down, down, down.
If that is not the case, write to Serbian teacher online; I can make more exercises like this, for improving your level of comprehension.

Write me or make an online appointment

Your help in learning Serbian online - Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Solutions: b), c), d), b). 

Serbian grammar - Exercises for beginners, part 3

Try to solve these exercises from Serbian grammar. When you finish, write to Serbian teacher online to check your answers.  

Doing lots of exercise is the best way to learn Serbian language. 

1. Translate sentences to Serbian:

This is my family.
Maria is my sister.
Ana is my wife.
Weather is nice.
Milan is a professor.
Wednesday is a fantastic day.
I like to eat burger and beans.
Cat and dog are not in the Zoo.
I work at home (in house).
Jovan is from Russia.
You don’t want to drink.
Temperature is 30 degrees.
It’s not expensive.
Marko likes to drink coffee.
Zoran eats apples, potatoes and cake.
It’s not cold.
Good evening and good night.

2. Exercise ordinal numbers:

a)     Write in Serbian following dates:

1)    Your mother’s birthday,
2)    Your best friend’s birthday
3)    Biggest national holiday
4)    Tomorrow
5)    Next Tuesday

b)     Fill in the blanks (choose some ordinal numbers)

1)    Moja drugarica slavi ______ rođendan.
2)    Imam karte za pozorište u _____________  redu.
3)    Moja kuća je ______ u ulici.
4)    Beograd je bombardovan u _______ svetskom ratu.

c)    Write down ordinal numbers:

1)    675.
2)    47.
3)    909.
4)    14.
5)    41.

3. Exercise nouns, pronouns and verbs:

      a) Mark nouns with yellow color
      b) Mark verbs with green color
      c) Mark pronouns (personal and possessive) with pink color
U martu je rođendan moje najmlađe sestre. Njen rođendan je na dan početka proleća. Počinju dugi dani i toplo vreme. Ptice dolaze sa juga, sleću na naš prozor i pevaju svoje pesme. 
U aprilu je Uskrs. Deca mnogo vole ovaj praznik. Tada baka i deca farbaju jaja i prave kolače. 

If you want to get more exercises from Serbian grammar, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with a help of Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Your help in learning Serbian,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Comprehension Exercise (Intermediate Level) 1 - Vežba razumevanja teksta 1

Comprehension exercises are crucial for improving your communication skill when you learn Serbian language.

Carefully read the text in Serbian language and answer the questions about it:

Beba slon Uške živi u beogradskom Zoološkom vrtu. Njegov najbolji drug je miš Stanislav. On takođe živi u beogradskom Zoološkom vrtu, ali tajno.
Oni su najbolji prijatelji već 2 godine.
Oni se vole i brinu jedan o drugom.
Ali, jednog dana pojavio se problem. U susedni kavez došla je nova stanarka: tigrica Zlata.
Uške se odmah zaljubio u nju. Stanislav se zaljubio u nju posle pet minuta.
Dva prijatelja su se posvađali oko mlade tigrice.
Uške je poludeo od ljubavi. Pozvao je čuvara i rekao mu: 'Miš Stanislav tajno živi u Zoološkom vrtu. To je protiv pravila.'
Čuvar je uhvatio miša i izbacio ga iz Zoološkog vrta.
Tigrica Zlata ne voli Ušketa i ne obraća pažnju na njega. Ona se igra šarenom loptom i ogleda u zlatnom ogledalu.
Beba slon Uške oseća se kao budala. 

1. What is in common for Uške and Stanislav?

a) zelena boja kože
b) ljubav prema istoj devojci
c) vole da slušaju Madonu
d) imaju iste cipele

 2. How does Uške feel at the end of story?

a) srećan je
b) spava mu se
c) kao budala
d) kao kralj

3. Who is Zlata?

a) lopta
b) baba
c) lisica
d) tigrica

4. How long Uške and Stanislav were friends?

a) 3 godine
b) 10 godina
c) 15 godina
d) 2 godine

5. What are Zlata's toys:

a) zlatna lopta i viljuška
b) zlatno ogledalo i šarena lopta
c) zlatna viljuška i zlatna kašika
d) televizija i internet

6. What would be correct to say about Uške?

a) politički korektan
b) brzoplet
c) star
d) inteligentan

If you learn Serbian language and you are intermediate level, you should be able to answer correctly to five or six of these questions. Solutions are down, down, down.
If that is not the case, write to Serbian teacher online; I can make more exercises like this, for improving your level of comprehension.  

Write me, or make an online appointment

Learn Serbian online in fun and easy way!
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Solutions: b), c), d), d), b), b).

Serbian grammar - Exercises for beginners, part 2

Try to solve these exercises from Serbian grammar. When you finish, write to Serbian teacher online to check your answers.  

1. Make 'da li questions' by translating following sentences:

Are you well?
Is she pretty?
Am I your brother?
Are we going?
Are you professors?
Is he a good man?
Is she your child?
Are they here?
Am I from Venezuela?
Is it cold?

2. Write down regular verbs in present tense like in example:



3. Fill in the blanks by correct possessive pronouns (several possibilities are correct): 

______ grad je Amsterdam.
______ država je SAD.
Da li je _____ ime Jelena?
Kako je ______ ime, gospodine?
Da li je _____ brat Marko?
Da li si ti _______ prijatelj?

4. Fill in the blanks with nouns in locative:  

1.     Živim u _________ (Beograd).
2.     Ona studira u _________ (Sarajevo).
3.     Ana na _________ (fakultet) predaje francuski jezik.
4.     Marko uživa u ________ (tenis), a Sanja u _________ (plivanje).
5.     Videćemo se sutra u _________ (Pariz).
6.     Đaci uče u _______ (škola).
7.     Aleksandar je vrlo uspešan u ______ (sport).
8.     Glumica učestvuje u _________ (predstava).
9.      U ______ (kuća) se nalaze Anina deca, ona sede na ________ (krevet).

If you want to get more exercises from Serbian grammar, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with a help of Serbian teacher, send me an email to .

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Test Your Level of Serbian Language

Find out if you are a beginner, intermediate or an advanced learner of Serbian language. Test your knowledge. 

This test contains questions from Serbian grammar, vocabulary and comprehension. 

Take a deep breath, concentrate, and start with answering the first one of the 40 questions. 

After finishing the test, read the solutions, and find out what is your level of Serbian language. 

1. The color of lemon is:

a) ljubičasta
b) roze
c) žuta
d) crvena

2. Which one from these numbers is number 702 ?   

a) sedamdeset dva    

b) sedam dva   

c) sedamdesetsto dva     

d) sedamsto dva 

3. What is on the picture:

a) pljeskavica     

b) lice    
c) voz    
d) radio

4. How we say "Good morning" in Serbian: 

a) Dobar dan   

b) Dobro jutro   

c) Dobro veče      

d) Dobra noć

5. Family members are:

a) sin, broj, stolica   

b) otac, kupatilo, majka    

c) otac, majka, sin    

d) sunce, sin, mesec

6. What may we say when we are leaving the room (informal): 

a) Ćao!  

b) Dobro jutro. 

c) Gladan sam.  

d) Pijem vino.

7. How may you introduce yourself: 

a) Ja se zovem Ana.   

b) Ti se zoveš Sanja.   

c) Oni se prezivaju Marković.   

d) On je Marko.

8. What are parts of the face: 

a) oči, ruke, noge     

b) oči, obraz, noge    

c) oči, usta, nos    

d) oči, telefon, sunce

9. What is the Serbian expression for "Have a good trip!":


a) Dobar dan!   

b) Laku noć!   

c) Dobro jutro!    

d) Srećan put!

10. Which sentence is correct: 

a) Nesam znao da li ona zna.  

b) Nisam znao dali ona zna.  

c) Nisam znao da li ona zna.   

d) Ni sam znao da li ona zna.

11.  Read the sentence and answer the question about it: 

Sutra uveče, posle fudbalske utakmice, moja sestra Ana, moj drug Marko i ja idemo kod njegovog brata Petra i nosimo mu poklon - malog psa Žuću. 

What are Marko and Petar to each other ?

12.  Which conjugation of verb "govoriti" is correct:  

a) govorem, govoreš, govore, govoremo, govorete, govorete    

b) govorem, govoreš, govore, govoremo, govorete, govore    

c) govorum, govoro, govoro, govoren, govoreni, govor   

d) govorim, govoriš, govori, govorimo, govorite, govore

13. What is Serbian word for verb 'to think': 

a) bežati  

b) pričati   

c) misliti    

d) učiti

14. Choose the correct translation of sentence 'I learn Serbian and I have lots of Serbian friends' : 

a) Ja učiš srpski i nemam puno srpskih prijatelja.   

b) Ti učiš srpski i imaš malo srpskih prijatelja.   

c) Oni ne uče srpski, ali imaju srpske prijatelje.     

d) Ja učim srpski i imam puno srpskih prijatelja.

15. What do you see on the picture: 

a) banane, kivi, grožđe   

b) gibanica, burek, grožđe     

c) pljeskavica, sarma, grožđe    

d) luk, paprika, grožđe

16. Correct the mistakes in a sentence (two correct answers are possible) :  

Ja živimo u Novi Sad, a moja roditelji živeju u Rim. 

17. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of possessive pronouns: 

Ova knjiga je ______ (ja). 

________ (mi) prijatelji dolaze na ručak. 

18. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of adjective 'dobar' :    

______ dete, _______  devojčica, _______ čovek. 

19. Put the following sentence into negative form: 

Ja volim Anu, ona je dobra devojka. 

20. Which conjugation of verb "želeti" is correct: 

a) želem, želeš, žele, želemo, želete, žele    

b) želim, želiš, želi, želimo, želite, želeju     

c)  želem, želeš, žele, želemo, želete, želeju     

d) želim, želiš, želi, želimo, želite, žele

21. Which sentence about this picture is true:

a) Jabuka je zelena. 

b) Dve knjige su otvorene. 

c) U čaši je vino.    

d) Na stolu je vaza sa cvećem. 

22. Read the dialog and answer the question about it: 

- Konobar, želela bih da naručim. - Dobar dan, izvolite, šta biste želeli? - Donesite mi bečku šniclu sa pomfritom i čašu belog vina. - Odmah.  


Where may you hear this dialog?   

a) u pekari     

b) u učionici     

c) u noćnom klubu     

d) u restoranu 

23. Which plural of word 'grad' is correct:   


a) građi    

b) gradi     

c) gradovi     

d) građovi 

24. What time is it:

a) pet do dva  

b) dva i pet   

c) dva i deset 

d) petnaest do dva

25. Write the following sentence in future tense (two correct solutions are possible): 

Otac čita novine.

26. Which translation of the sentence 'Are you well?' is correct:  

a) Da li si dobro?    

b) Da li su oni u školi?    

c) Da li su oni dobro?    

d) Da li je on lud?

27. Which from these words we may use when we talk about weather: 

a) kiša, narod, brat    

b) sunce, kiša, mesec      

c) sunce, kiša, oluja    

d) poplava, kiša, mesec 

28. Which tense is used in sentence 'U parku sam srela druga iz detinjstva.'  

a) past tense   

b) present tense   

c) infinitive    

d) future tense 

29. Which question word should be at the beginning of the following sentence: 

______  kilograma sira želite? 

a) gde   

b) koliko  

c) ko   

d) kada

30. Write down words for at least 7 objects from the picture.

31. Write down two synonyms  for verb 'govoriti'. 

32. Which from these verbs are modal verbs: imati, hodati, moći, spavati, morati, pevati, hteti. 

33. Conjugate verb 'putovati'.

34. Which objects may be in a classroom:    

a) tabla, kompjuter, klupa    

b) krevet, tabla, frižider    

c) šporet, kompjuter, kada     

d) auto, tabla, klupa 

35. Finish the sentence with a correct case of noun 'majka' : 

Idem u šetnju sa ________ .               

36. Translate the idiom 'In the middle of nowhere' : 

a) Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju upada.   

b) Minut je do dvanaest.    

c) Bogu iza leđa.     

d) Ko se poslednji smeje, najslađe se smeje. 

37. Write the following sentence in past tense in masculine gender (there are several possibilities of correct answers): 

Sedim na klupi i posmatram prolaznike. 

38. In which sentence is the word "otac" used in a correct case:  

a) Kupujem oca knjigu.  

b) Kupujem ocu knjigu. 

c) Kupujem otcu knjigu.   

g) Kupujem oču knjigu. 

39. Which sentence is correct: 

a) Ja ću živeti u Beogradu.   

b) Jaću živeti u Beograda.    

c) Ja ću živeti u Beograda.    

d) Ja ću živeti u Beograd.

40. Read the text and answer the question about it:   

Kada je bila na prvoj godini fakulteta, Marija još uvek nije imala dečka. Prvo se zaljubila u Gorana, ali on nije osećao isto, tako da među njima ničeg nije bilo. Marija se veoma dopala Marku, drugu iz razreda, ali bila je ravnodušna. Posle toga upoznala je Ivana i započeli su vezu. To je bilo zanimljivo, ali trajalo je samo nekoliko meseci. Dugu vezu imala je tek nekoliko godina kasnije, sa Bojanom, kolegom sa fakulteta. 

Who is Marija's first boyfriend?

INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST: Every correct answer brings you 1 point. (There is no option of getting 0,5 points for partially solved questions. Only full answers counts.) 


BEGINNER 1-10 correct answers 

INTERMEDIATE 11-30 correct answers 

ADVANCED 31-40 correct answers


1) c)

2) d)

3) b)

4) b)

5) c) 

6) a)

7) a)

8) c)

9) d)

10) c)

11) brothers

12) d)

13) c)

14) d)

15) a)

16) Ja živim u Novom Sadu, a moji roditelji žive u Rimu. / Mi živimo u Novom Sadu, a moji roditelji žive u Rimu.

17) moja,  naši

18)  dobro dete,  dobra devojčica, dobar čovek. 

19) Ja ne volim Anu, ona nije dobra devojka. 

20) d)

21) b)

22) d)

23) c)

24) a)

25) Otac će čitati novine. / Čitaće otac novine.

26) a)

27) c)

28) a)

29) b)

30) kada, wc šolja (toalet šolja), prozor, stolica, veš mašina, radni sto, ormar (orman), lampa, frižider, tepih, šporet, sudopera, kauč (sofa), stolica, vrata

31) pričati, razgovarati, izgovarati, reći, kazati (there are also correct further synonyms such as šaputati, brbljati, etc.) 

32) moći, morati, hteti

33) putujem, putuješ, putuje, putujemo, putujete, putuju

34) a)

35) majkom

36) c)

37) Sedeo sam na klupi i posmatrao sam prolaznike. / Sedeo sam na klupi i posmatrao prolaznike. / Ja sam sedeo na klupi i posmatrao sam prolaznike. / Ja sam sedeo na klupi i posmatrao prolaznike.

38) b)

39) a)

40) Ivan

Be free to comment the test results, your opinion is important. 

If you want to find out more about learning Serbian online , or about any other Serbian language issue, you may write me here .

Serbian teacher online,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Serbian grammar - Exercises for beginners, part 1

Exercises from Serbian grammar for beginners: Personal pronouns, past tense, auxiliary verbs 'jesam' and 'nisam'. When you start to learn Serbian, in a few first lessons you will learn about auxiliary verb 'jesam' (as well as its negative form 'nisam') and about personal pronouns. About past tense you will learn a little bit later, because this tense consists of two verbs.Do you find Serbian grammar difficult or easy? Can you solve this exercises by your self? If your answer is no, then you may ask for the assistance of Serbian teacher online. If your answer is yes, then you are ready to take the next step.

1. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns  or auxiliary verb 'jesam' :

___ sam profesorka.
Ona ___  u Londonu.
Marko ___  upoznao Anu.
___  smo vredni.
Danas ___  oni u kući.
Moja sestra sada ___  u školi.
Vi ___  učenici.
Sanja, Marko i Maja ___  na fakultetu.
Švajcarska ___  lepa zemlja.
Moj muž ___ dobar.
____  su dobre devojke.
Vreme __  lepo.

2. Fill in the blanks with right form of verb ‘nisam’ (negative form of ‘jesam'):

Ona ____ kod kuće.
Ja ______  u parku.
Danas  ti _____  sa mnom.
Naši gosti ______ ovde.
Haljina ______ lepa.
Na času mi ______ slušali.
Oni _____ uradili domaći.
Ja ______ Ana.

3. Podvuci glagole u prošlom vremenu – Underline verbs in past tense:

Ja sam spavala do podne.
Oni su ostali sa nama.
Čekali smo voz.
Marko je mislio na Anu.
Ti si pričao o vestima.
Dečaci su trčali na stadionu.
Devojčica je želela lutku.
Prijatelji su pili vino.
Učitelj je glasno čitao knjigu.
Sestre su govorile holandski jezik.
Ja sam telefonirala dečku.
Uveče u dnevnoj sobi otac je gledao TV.
Šetali smo u centru Amsterdama.
Vreme je bilo lepo. 

If you want to get more exercises from Serbian grammar, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with a help of Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

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Your Serbian teacher online,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Reading exercises in Serbian Latin

The first steps in learning Serbian language are reading exercises.
Serbian teacher recommends that you start with texts in Serbian Latin.
In this blog post you may find poem for children Strašan lav by famous poet and aphorist Duško Radović and short story for children Lutka bez glave by Dragan Lukić.
For advanced readers of Serbian language, we suggest one love poem - Strepnja, from famous Serbian poet Desanka Maksimović and ballad Balada iz predgrađa by Dobriša Cesarić.
Reading texts in Serbian language is not difficult, because of the famous rule - ONE LETTER IS ONE SOUND. The rule applies for Latin Serbian alphabet as well as for Cyrillic alphabet.
In this faze, don't try to understand full meaning of the poems, just enjoy in pronunciation and sound of Serbian language.


Ne, nemoj mi prići! Hoću izdaleka

Da volim i želim oka tvoja dva.

Jer sreća je lepa samo dok se čeka,

Dok od sebe samo nagoveštaj da.

Ne, nemoj mi prići! Ima više draži

Ova slatka strepnja,čekanje i stra`.

Sve je mnogo lepše donde dok se traži

O čemu se samo tek po slutnji zna.

Ne, nemoj mi prići! Našto to, i čemu?

Iz daleka samo sve k`o zvezda sja;

Iz daleka samo divimo se svemu.

Ne, neka mi ne priđu oka tvoja dva.

Desanka Maksimović


Pred kućom, na ulici, sedi devojčica i drži lutku bez glave. Dok ljudi prolaze, ona razgovara sa lutkom. Jedan čika zastade pa joj reče:

- Kako možeš da razgovaraš sa lutkom koja nije živa?

- Ona je živa - brzo odgovori devojčica.

- Kako je živa kad nema glavu? 

- Ima glavu - odvrati devojčica. 

- Nema glavu - reče čika ljutito. 

- Ima...

- Nema... 

- Ali vi, čiko, ne umete da se igrate!

Dragan Lukić


Bio jednom jedan lav…

Kakav lav?

Strašan lav,

narogušen i ljut sav!

Strašno, strašno!

Išao je na tri noge,

gledao je na tri oka,

slušao je na tri uva…

Strašno, strašno!

Ne pitajte šta je jeo.

Taj je jeo šta je hteo

– tramvaj ceo

i oblaka jedan deo!

Strašno, strašno!

Zubi oštri, pogled zao,

on za milost nije znao!

Strašno, strašno!

Dok ga Brana

jednog dana

nije gumom izbrisao.

Strašno, strašno!

Duško Radović


I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa

svijetlost crvenkastožutu

na debelo blato kraj staroga plota

i dvije, tri cigle na putu.

I uvijek ista sirotinja uđje

i s licem na kojem su obično brige

u njezinu svjetlost iz mraka,

pređe je u par koraka.

A jedne večeri nekoga nema,

I nema ga sutra, ni prekosutra ne,

a morao bi proć;

I lampa gori,

i gori u magli,

i vec je noć.

i vele da bolestan leži,

i maj već mirise -

i nema ga mjesec, i nema ga dva,

i zima je već,

i sniježi.

A prolaze kao i dosad ljudi,

a njega nema, i nema, i nema,

i dvije, tri cigle na putu.

i nema ga više.

I lije na uglu petrolejska lampa

svijetlost crvenkastožutu

na debelo blato kraj staroga plota

Dobriša Cesarić

Good luck in learning Serbian with help of Serbian teacher!


For everything else you want to know about this topic, or how to learn Serbian online with a help of a Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Lidija Novaković Lagrini,

your Serbian teacher online         

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