Serbian grammar - Exercises for beginners, part 3

Try to solve these exercises from Serbian grammar. When you finish, write to Serbian teacher online to check your answers.  

Doing lots of exercise is the best way to learn Serbian language. 

1. Translate sentences to Serbian:

This is my family.
Maria is my sister.
Ana is my wife.
Weather is nice.
Milan is a professor.
Wednesday is a fantastic day.
I like to eat burger and beans.
Cat and dog are not in the Zoo.
I work at home (in house).
Jovan is from Russia.
You don’t want to drink.
Temperature is 30 degrees.
It’s not expensive.
Marko likes to drink coffee.
Zoran eats apples, potatoes and cake.
It’s not cold.
Good evening and good night.

2. Exercise ordinal numbers:

a)     Write in Serbian following dates:

1)    Your mother’s birthday,
2)    Your best friend’s birthday
3)    Biggest national holiday
4)    Tomorrow
5)    Next Tuesday

b)     Fill in the blanks (choose some ordinal numbers)

1)    Moja drugarica slavi ______ rođendan.
2)    Imam karte za pozorište u _____________  redu.
3)    Moja kuća je ______ u ulici.
4)    Beograd je bombardovan u _______ svetskom ratu.

c)    Write down ordinal numbers:

1)    675.
2)    47.
3)    909.
4)    14.
5)    41.

3. Exercise nouns, pronouns and verbs:

      a) Mark nouns with yellow color
      b) Mark verbs with green color
      c) Mark pronouns (personal and possessive) with pink color
U martu je rođendan moje najmlađe sestre. Njen rođendan je na dan početka proleća. Počinju dugi dani i toplo vreme. Ptice dolaze sa juga, sleću na naš prozor i pevaju svoje pesme. 
U aprilu je Uskrs. Deca mnogo vole ovaj praznik. Tada baka i deca farbaju jaja i prave kolače. 

If you want to get more exercises from Serbian grammar, or you are curious how to learn Serbian online with a help of Serbian teacher, send me an email to

Ako želite da unapredite svoje znanje srpskog jezika, ili znate nekoga ko želi da počne da uči "od nule" naš lepi jezik, pišite mi na navedenu adresu.

Your help in learning Serbian,
Lidija Novaković Lagrini


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