Comprehension Exercise (for Beginners) 1 - Vežba razumevanja teksta 1

If you have a plan to learn Serbian online, with or without private lessons, to get lots of exercises is crucial.

Carefully read the text in Serbian language and answer the questions about it:

Slon Uške je gladan. Vreme je za doručak. 

On danas ima kukuruz za doručak. Slon Uške voli da jede semenke, kupus i banane, a najviše voli da jede jabuke.  

Miš Stanislav ne voli jabuke. On voli da jede sir, čokoladu, novine i stare knjige. 

Slon Uške kaže: 'Dragi prijatelju Stanislave, izvoli tvoj sir. Prijatno!' 

'Hvala' - kaže Stanislav - 'prijatno i tebi.' 

Posle doručka, miš i slon piju vodu.

1. What is this elephant's favorite food? 

a) sladoled 
b) jabuke 
c) jaja 
d) luk

2. What does mouse Stanislav like to eat?

a) banane i sir  
b) knjige i makarone  
c) čokoladu i novine 
d) stare jabuke i stari pasulj

3. What is the color of Stanislav's and Uške's skin?

a) žuta 
b) zelena 
c) crvena 
d) siva

4. How we say 'Enjoy your meal!' in Serbian?

a) Srećan put! 
b) Prijatno! 
c) Laku noć! 
d) Živeli!

If you learn Serbian language and you are advanced beginner, you should be able to answer correctly to three or four of these questions. Solutions are down, down, down.
If that is not the case, write to Serbian teacher online; I can make more exercises like this, for improving your level of comprehension.

Write me or make an online appointment

Your help in learning Serbian online - Lidija Novaković Lagrini

Solutions: b), c), d), b). 



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